StatPhys29 – 2025 Florence, Italy


Abstract submission is closed.

Record-breaking number of abstracts submitted!

A total of 1,808 abstracts have been submitted for the StatPhys29 Congress, set to take place in Florence, cuddle of renaissance.

Thanks to all who have shared their research.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  1. All abstracts must be submitted and be received on or before January 7th, 2025 (23:59 CET), through the Online Abstract Submission System.
  2. Revisions will not be accepted after January 7th, 2025 (23:59 CET).
  3. Authors are required to indicate their preference for either ORAL or POSTER presentation by checking the appropriate drop-down menu.
  4. Acceptance/rejection of abstracts will be communicated via e-mail to the Submitter starting from March 15th, 2025.
  5. Early bird registration will be open until April 15th, 2025.
  6. Acknowledgement of the receipt of abstract submission will be sent to the Submitter’s email address immediately upon submission. The Submitter will receive all correspondence regarding the abstract status, presentation type via the email that is provided in the abstract submission. It is mandatory to indicate a valid email for the Presenting Author.
  7. Instructions on the preparation of the posters will be included with the notification of acceptance.
  8. The Presenting Author agrees to register, to attend the Conference, and to present the abstract as scheduled by the Local Committee.

Instructions for abstracts preparation

  1. Abstracts must be written in English.
  2. Abstract must be uploaded in PDF format only. Documents other than PDF WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
  3. The Submitter should use the provided LaTeX template to create the PDF of the abstract to be uploaded on the portal. A LaTeX template has been prepared for the structure and style of your abstract. You find below the links to three files:
    Template (.tex): This file provides minimal instructions for compilation – you can edit this file.
    Style Package (.sty): This file contains the LaTeX commands for formatting the material – do not modify this file.
    PDF Rendering Example: An example of the rendered PDF.

    The template is also available via Overleaf.
    To properly copy the Overleaf project, follow the instructions available:
    Template via Overleaf

  4. Title, authors’ names, authors’ affiliation, and presenting author must be provided by filling out the online form.
    – Titles should not contain acronyms.
    – Author: The full name and valid email address for each author must be provided.
    – Affiliations: Each author should be listed by department, institution, city, and country.
  5. The body of the abstract text should not exceed 250 WORDS. The abstract may contain mathematical formulas and one figure.
  6. The Submitter should secure the approval of all co-authors.

Abstract topics

For reviewing and scheduling purposes, abstracts will be classified into the Conference TOPICS (displayed on the webpage too). The Submitter should indicate up to three preferred Topics.

General and mathematical aspects
Rigorous results, exact solutions, probability theory and stochastic processes, phase transitions and critical phenomena at equilibrium, field theory, etc.


Out-of-equilibrium statistical physics
Stochastic thermodynamics, thermodynamics of information, active matter, transport theory, anomalous diffusion, large deviation, out-of-equilibrium phase transition, etc.

Quantum many-body systems and quantum fluids
Strongly correlated electrons, cold atoms, graphene, mesoscopic quantum phenomena, low dimensional quantum field theory, quantum phase transitions, quantum information, entanglement, spin liquid, Anderson/many-body localization, thermalization of isolated quantum systems, etc.

Disordered and glassy systems
Glasses and glass transition, granular materials and jamming transition, spin glasses and other random systems, neural networks, etc.

Biological physics
Cellular biophysics, biological membranes, biopolymer folding, biological networks, developmental biology, bacteria, swimmers and flocks, genomics, evolution models, evolutionary game theory, immune system, neuronal dynamics, models for the brain, ecological dynamics, epidemiology, etc.

Soft matter
Active matter, soft and glassy systems, molecular and ionic fluids, wetting, self-assembly, liquid crystals, colloids, etc.

Nonlinear physics
Dynamical systems, chaos (classical and quantum), pattern formation, chemical reactions, simple fluids, nonlinear waves, hydrodynamic instabilities, turbulence (classical, quantum and active), oscillators, synchronization, spatio-temporal organization, etc.

Interdisciplinary and complex systems
Complex networks, econophysics, socio-physics, socio-technical systems, human mobility, urban problems, ecosystems, epidemic models, epidemiology, non-conventional computing, etc.

Statistical physics of machine learning and information
Machine learning, neural networks, information processing, etc.

Abstract Presentation (Oral and Poster)

Each oral presentation will last 15 mins (3 mins reserved for questions and discussion). Further instructions about oral and posters presentations will be communicated after registration.